
Morning Glory

Morning Glories are twining climbers that can add a lot of color to your garden. With so many hybrids and shades available it is difficult to choose which one to plant. It grows profusely, flowers generously and is very hard to control once let loose. In fact certain hybrids will start blooming within a week - with hardly 4-6 leaves to show.

The one shown here is a particularly wild grower. I half-heartedly planted a couple of seeds near the compound wall expecting results maybe after a month - and was pleasantly surprised to see the extremely bright flowers within the second week.

It would have been spectacular if the flowers remained open through the day. Unfortunately they open at sunrise and close within a couple of hours. But those couple of hours are really a fireworks display.

Most flowers generate seeds which can then be used for propagation.

The plants are prone to severe aphid attacks. They seem to draw them like magnets. A daily checking is required to ensure that the aphid-army does not take over the entire plant.

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